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Frequently Asked Questions

Step 1: Once the hiring proposal is approved by Human Resources, the department will complete and send the offer letter/terms of appointment. Also, let the new hire know what to expect next (e.g., an email from HRIM with links and information for completing the Background Check, additional emails from the Onboarding Center with information on their Unity ID and Gmail account respectively once the hire action is finalized, setting up a time to meet with the Onboarding Center)

Note: The Unity Email will come from “”, and the Gmail Email will be forwarded by either the Supervisor (“Reports To” as indicated in the PeopleSoft system), or the initiator of the hire action.

Step 2: Enter the hire action into PeopleSoft via Job Action Request (JAR) as soon as possible to kick off the onboarding process. A series of emails will be sent out the morning after the hire action is finalized:

Unity Email: Generated to the new employee that includes information on their Unity ID and how to set up their password as well as instructions for setting up an Onboarding appointment and accessing the New Hire Checklist. This email is also sent to the supervisor on record and the initiator of the PeopleSoft action.

Gmail Email:  Generated to the supervisor on record and PeopleSoft initiator and includes information on the new employee’s Gmail account. The department will determine the appropriate time to forward the Gmail account information to the new employee.

Supervisor Email: Generated to the supervisor on record and PeopleSoft initiator and includes departmental resources to ensure a positive onboarding experience as well as a copy of the Unity email sent to the employee.

Step 3: Communicate with the new employee.

The following are things to consider discussing with your new employee prior to their first day:

  • Do you want them to meet with the Onboarding Center prior to reporting to your office?
  • Do you have a preference on when they attend New Employee Orientation and/or Benefits Orientation? The schedule can be found at
  • Where should the employee park on their first day if they report to work prior to having their onboarding appointment?
  • Which parking permit should the employee apply for?
  • What time should the employee report to work on their first day?
  • What building and room number should they report to and who should they ask for?

Step 4: Set up department specific access

  • Submit SAR requests
  • Grant key card building access
  • Issue keys
  • Assign workspace
  • Give LanTech appropriate information to set up work stations (ex: Unity ID and Employee ID#)

Step 5: Complete Applicable Forms

  • Complete Manager’s Safety Checklist
  • Complete Secondary Employment (if applicable)
  • Discuss Conflict of Interest Disclosure (if applicable)

If an employee’s hire action is not approved prior to their start date, there are several things that they are unable to do when they arrive on campus. They are unable to:

  • access any campus systems that require a Unity ID (MyPack Portal, Moodle, Collaborate)
  • obtain their Campus One Card which may hinder their ability to enter their building or workspace
  • log in to their computer
  • set up their voice mail
  • complete their direct deposit
  • complete tax withholding and W-2 consent
  • obtain a parking permit (will have to pay $5-10 a day to park and will have to GO to Transportation to get the temporary permit)
  • enroll in benefits (only have a 30 day enrollment period)

New hires and rehires for the following groups are served at the Onboarding Center:

  • Faculty
  • NTT Faculty
  • EHRA Non Faculty
  • SHRA (Staff)
  • Non Student Temporary
  • Post Doc

The following employee groups DO NOT go through onboarding:

  • No Pays
  • Visitors
  • Students
  • Graduate Students
  • CVM House Officers

New employees/rehires should contact the Onboarding Center as soon as possible to set up an appointment to meet with an Onboarding Specialist on their first day of work. The federal government requires part 1 of the I-9 to be completed on or before the employee’s first day and the Onboarding Specialist will coordinate the completion of the I-9 with the employee.

We are unable to meet with employees prior to their first day of work because many university systems do not recognize employees before their effective date.

  • I-9 Completion
  • 2-Factor Authentication Enrollment
  • Issuing a Campus One Card
  • Request a parking pass
  • Complete tax withholding
  • Complete direct deposit
  • W-2 Consent
  • Emergency contacts
  • Emergency alerts
  • New Employee Orientation enrollment (if applicable)
  • Benefits Orientation enrollment (if applicable)
  • Discuss Tax assessment reminders (if applicable)
  • Discuss Secondary Employment (if applicable)
  • Discuss Conflict of Interest (if applicable)
  • Discuss Patent Agreement (if applicable)
  • Assist with any incomplete checklist items

Onboarding Center appointments generally take about 20-30 minutes for temporary employees and rehires and 30-45 minutes for permanent employees.

New hires/rehires (or departments on their behalf) can contact the Onboarding Center at 919-513-1278 or via email at to schedule an appointment.

Rehires will be evaluated individually. There are several factors that go into what may/may not need to be done for the rehire.

  • How long was their break in service?
  • Is the employee going from a temporary to a permanent position?
  • Is the employee going from non-benefits eligible to benefits eligible?
  • Does their I9 need to be updated?

The Onboarding Center will reach out to the employee if an onboarding appointment is needed.

If the rehire has had more than a 33 day break in service, the unity email will be sent to the employee and the PeopleSoft initiator. The Gmail email will be sent to the PeopleSoft Initiator as well as the employee’s supervisor on record.

Note: If there is a break in service, the New Hire Checklist will be reset to blank and the Onboarding Specialist can assist the employee with the necessary items.

A few things may have happened:

  • If the employee’s hire action was entered directly into the base rather than through the JAR Tool, the emails will not be triggered. Please notify the employee to contact the Onboarding Center to set up an appointment for their first day.
  • The employee may be in an employee group not serviced through the Onboarding Center (ex: student, grad, no-pay, visitor, CVM house officer).
  • The emails were sent to the employees Spam folder.
  • The onboarding emails are sent to the email address listed on the employee’s background check. If this is entered incorrectly the employee will not receive the email.

Note: If notified, the Onboarding Center can manually send these emails.

The New Hire Checklist is available via the MyPack Portal. In order to navigate to the New Hire Checklist, sign into MyPack Portal, click the navigation compass at the top right, click Human Resources Systems, then click New Hire Checklist.

The Onboarding appointment is a 30-45 minute appointment on the employee’s first day of work where we cover the following:

  • I-9 Completion
  • 2-Factor Authentication Enrollment
  • Issuing a Campus One Card
  • Request a parking pass
  • Complete tax withholding
  • Complete direct deposit
  • W-2 Consent
  • Emergency contacts
  • Emergency alerts
  • New Employee Orientation enrollment (if applicable)
  • Benefits Orientation enrollment (if applicable)
  • Discuss Tax assessment reminders (if applicable)
  • Discuss Secondary Employment (if applicable)
  • Discuss Conflict of Interest (if applicable)
  • Discuss Patent Agreement (if applicable)
  • Assist with any incomplete checklist items

New Employee Orientation is a half day class that covers a variety of federally mandated topics such as Harassment, Diversity and Environmental Health and Safety. Employees will be enrolled for the next available New Employee Orientation during their onboarding appointment.

  • SHRA/EHRA/Faculty working .5 FTE (20 hours) or more
  • SHRA/EHRA/Faculty rehires who have not attended NEO100 in the last 3 years. Rehires who have not attended New Employee Orientation within the last 3 years should attend again

Note: Faculty members who attend New Faculty Orientation (NFO) provided by the Office of Faculty Development in August should also attend NEO100. NFO’s goal is to offer faculty useful resources and successful strategies for teaching, research and services, and does not duplicate the information provided in NEO100.

Note: Temporary employees do not need to attend New Employee Orientation.

No. Employees should attend orientation sessions on or after their start date. New 9-month fall semester faculty may attend New Employee Orientation any time after July 1.

New Employee Orientation (NEO100)

  • An onboarding specialist will enroll the employee during their onboarding appointment.
  • Employees can enroll themselves through Reporter (as long as they have an active Unity ID/password).
  • The employee, department human resources representative, or hiring manager may contact the Onboarding Center at 919-513-1278 or email to register.

Benefits Orientation (BEN100)

Benefits eligible Faculty/Staff have 2 choices for completing the Benefits Orientation. They can enroll in a classroom session (BEN100) or they can complete the online orientation at

To enroll in a classroom session:

  • An onboarding specialist will enroll the employee during their onboarding appointment.
  • Employees can enroll themselves through Reporter (as long as they have an active Unity ID/password).
  • The employee, department human resources representative, or hiring manager may contact the Onboarding Center at 919-513-1278 or email to register.

Post Doc Benefits Orientation (NEO201)

  • An onboarding specialist will enroll the employee during their onboarding appointment. We typically try to arrange for the Post Doc to attend NEO100 and NEO201 on the same day.
  • Employees can enroll themselves through Reporter (as long as they have an active Unity ID/password).
  • The employee, department human resources representative, or hiring manager may contact the Onboarding Center at 919-513-1278 or email to register.

Note: There is not an online Post Doc Benefits orientation currently being offered.

The Onboarding Center issues Campus One Cards for the following groups:

  • Faculty
  • NTT Faculty
  • EHRA Non Faculty
  • SHRA (Staff)
  • Non Student Temporary
  • Post Doc

The Onboarding center is not currently set up to process One Cards for:

  • No Pay employees
  • Visitor employees
  • Students
  • Affiliates
  • Family Members
  • Replacement for a lost card

One Cards for these groups can be obtained at the Wolfpack One Card office in Talley Student Union. If you lose your ID card, the One Card Office can print you a new one for $20.