
As a new employee at NC State, you have important decisions to make about benefit plans. Eligible employees are covered by the State Health Plan, which offers two levels of health insurance coverage. Other types of plans are also available, including dental, vision, life and disability insurance, and legal assistance.

PLEASE NOTE SOME IMPORTANT DEADLINES:  You will have 30-calendar days from your effective date to enroll in health insurance, or you must wait until the next annual enrollment period, typically in the fall of each year.  You also have 30-calendar days from your effective date to enroll in one of the mandatory retirement plans.

You can begin reviewing available benefits online at  You will complete either a Self-Guided Benefits Orientation using the Online Benefits Orientation web-site or an Instructor-Led Orientation where a Benefits Consultant will facilitate an overview of the available options.  An Onboarding Specialist will register for the Benefits Orientation of your choice during your appointment with the Onboarding Center.

Please check the Prior State Service website for more information about benefits and leave that may transfer to NC State from other State agencies.

For Postdoc health insurance information click here.